It is easier to say than done and that would be to forgive. That is a big thing to learn and perhaps it might take a long time to learn. We all know forgiving is better than grudges. Grudges can hurt our body and mind. Eventually, it would devour our whole being....
We are in a world of pandemic, chaos and political turmoil. There is no one can lead the situation out of this mess. The only leader in this circumstance is God who will guide this problematic condition. In King David’s time, he looked for direction from God....
Sometimes Christians feel perplexed why they can do what they want to like and feel like Jesus as they read God’s words every day and help those in need. They even feel exhausted and get nowhere. They would say that they had done all they can but still don’t feel...
Nothing will make us happy forever, no matter these are fame, status and riches. At the final stage of our lives, we still have to face old age, sickness and death. Everything we have done seems to be meaningless and in vain. And it is life. Despite life’s trials and...
No one really knows how many stars in the universe. According to the latest observation of astronomists, it is estimated to be 100 billion stars in our universe. And we have 7.8 billion population (2020) in the world. This figure is based on the information from UN....
This is a heartwarming story illustrating her helping others even she was not in her top situation herself. The point is that we should help at our best capacity, sometimes it can be difficult to do. Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure,...