Many of us are consumed by the pain and suffering of this world. And we need to be more and more farsighted—filled with hope in our loving God. Apostle Paul and his co-workers experienced great suffering and yet they had their eyes fixed on eternity. Paul boldly...
I worked as a contractor (self-employed) almost half of my career life. Many people talked about saving money for retirement or investing RRSP. It was a very challenging and unpleasant situation in the process. But just keep hoping for better the next day. My sister...
Tough times come and go. We cannot understand why it occurs and avoids it if we can. It seems to indicate the mystery of life. I just heard from the radio a family car was hit by a young driver. The young driver was in critical condition while all passengers and...
In John 10:8, “All who have come before me are thieves and robbers”. That was described as the gruesome view of humanity in the bible. It coincidentally reflected very similarly in our present world situation. Some countries want to control others for the sake of...
In today’s high-tech era, the aeroplane pilots can navigate a jet plane from one point to another over a 6000 km trip without constant control of the steering wheel. The most crucial moment is the lifting and landing of the aircraft. The pilots mainly control...
Traditionally, people predetermined the way of worship and it all dictates according to the culture of people of that geographical location. So in some cultures, its people may find a way of worshipping unacceptable or and this other form of worship was well beyond...