It is hard to believe that a world without kindness or conscience. Since there is so much deprecation, bullying and hegemony of power and violence and brokenness in our world. There are always underprivileged and marginal groups. They are ignored and seem invisible in...
One of the small parts of our body is the tongue. It can be powerful, damaging and devastating if wrongly used. People can use lies, slander, threaten, condemn and curse. But on the other hand, one can comfort, encourage, support and strengthen. Similarly like the...
We feel so good when someone boosts us up and gives us encouragement especially when we are in the low point of life; like a failure in a relationship, business venture or loss of jobs and many other problems as well. Even we might not get immediate results but long...
We can play different kinds of sports, have various kinds of hobbies or reading stories of our favourite authors. But if we have a favourite child in a family is no joking matter. It will affect the relationship among the siblings from the childhood stage to the adult...
There are many kinds of turbulence in our lifetime; such as loss of a job, loss of loved ones, marriage problem, family problem, failure of interpersonal relationship, business problem and financial problem. The list goes on. Is there any remedy to all these problems?...
What encouragement is this? We simply ask! Naaman, a powerful but also an arrogant man with leprosy, his arrogance was due to his high power. Most of the time, powerful men believe when they require something, you need to do something sophisticated and winding....