August 31 The Servant Hears -1 Samuel 3:1-10

It could have been a totally different matter that more lives could be saved when Titanic struck the iceberg. The radio operator of Titanic was busy relaying messages about passengers but answered rudely to the radio operator of another ship close by. And that radio...

August 30 Self-Checking-Lamentation 3:37-42

I heard about censorship when I was a young boy. It was population censorship. The idea of censorship is a headcount of each family in an area or district. It also involves the age, gender, level of education, mother tongue and language spoken at home. The data is...

August 29 The Ultimate Wave-Colossians 1:1-8

The first experience of waves I recalled was in a magic show on one evening near Christmas. The clown who made people laugh and cheer really did a great job. He did know how to move people into a wave. When he made a movement or told the crowds to do things and...

August 28 God Our Rescuer-Ezekiel 34:5-12

Nowadays we have the technology that features of a medical alarm system in the forms of bracelets or pendants, which allow users to call for assistance at the push of a button. This enables communication with an operator at the company’s 24 hours...