When I travelled in Europe, one of the things I considered before I hit the road was to pay tips. As I talked to many people, the majority said not necessary and some said about 5% would be good. Last several trips in Spain and Portugal showed that a small tip of up...
In a family gathering a long time ago, one of our cousins said my oldest brother looked very much like my father. As I was much younger then I was no comparison with anyone. There’s only one Son—Jesus—who reflects His Father completely. “The Son is the image of the...
From time to time, we seek God’s help through prayer. Do we trust him that He would answer our pleas? The psalmist David was certainly in a desperate position. He was being pursued by jealous King Saul who sought to kill him. And so he fled to the city of Gath, where...
It has been a long tradition that people make new resolutions in the new year. The reason behind was that the past year might not be as fruitful as expected or a total failure. Everyone wants to refresh and have a good start as a new creature. Through the prophet...
Wedding banquet is the most memorable and the happiest occasion of all times. It is the proclamation of the union of two people as life partners. All of the Christ followers will celebrate the joyful gathering when Jesus returns. It’s portrayed in Revelation as a...
I lost my Fitbit watch when I was moving the cakes into the fridge in the church in 2019. I was so upset because it was a father’s day gift from my family. At that time, I was looking for a sale or something similar and actually my wife told me to buy a new one. I was...