When I visited a new country or a new place, one of my first experiences left me an awkward feeling. Perhaps the way we dressed, the customs, and the language spoken etc. Things we did were totally out of place. Since I was a visitor I tried to learn, accommodate and...
Many people complained that someone was successful or doing better than them because they had luck, family background, connection, education and so on. They were partially right, but not entirely true. In my humble opinion, I think they lack goals, are not well...
Our life is filled with dragons: the health issue, the job loss, the failed marriage, and the financial crisis. These “dragons” are always tagging with us for life without fail. But we don’t have to fight alone. But in these battles, we have a Superhero. Not an...
Tough words hurt, particularly with the close members of a family such as siblings, parents, children and in-laws. It is difficult to swallow sharp words. It is not uncommon to see disputes in a family. Some counsellor suggests if possible one side of the party...
An incident occurred sometime ago, a squabble of trivial things in a prison cell in Ontario. Two cell mates were fighting over a bag of chips or a cigarette. One of them got killed by the other, the other was supposed to get released a little while later. Because of...
“Do we matter?” It’s a good question. As said in (Psalm 9:10) “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away”. The brevity of life can worry us and cause...