November 6 The Sweet Harvest – Isaiah 5:1-7

When we put in effort in our work and the result was not quite our expectation. We felt dejected. The frustration we felt about working painstakingly and only to get a bitter harvest, echoes the tone of Isaiah 5. Here we read a story of God’s relationship to the...

November 5 Destroy This House-John 2 :13-25

Jesus was on a mission to let his own “house” be torn down for the sake of others. Imagine the scene and how confused everyone must have been, including Jesus’ own disciples. Picture them eyeing one another as Jesus challenged the religious leaders. (John 2:19-20)...

November 3 The Tree Whisperer-Psalm 1:

Human beings in some respects are similar to trees. Trees need to be pruned to bear more fruit as human beings need to be stripped from bad habits and behaviours. In John 15:1-2, Jesus, the creator of agriculture, referred to similar farming tactics when He said,...

November 1 Even a Taco-Matthew 10:37-42

The Samuelsons operate from a buy-one-give-one meal for the nutritional needs of malnourished children in 2014. So far, they’ve made contributions in more than sixty countries. Their goal is to be a part of ending childhood hunger—one taco at a time. Matthew 10:42...