An old chorus says, “To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus. My desire, to be like Him.” It is impossible using our power and works in our capablility to become like Jesus. However, it’s not left to ourselves. The Holy Spirit has been given to the child of God and Christ...
Elias, a former inmate at a maximum-security prison in New York, described feeling as a prisoner. He was in the moments of his greatest failure and he believed it’s too late, that he lost the chance at a life of purpose and worth. He enrolled in the Bard College’s...
When we were asked how can the grace of Christ become a source of strength for us to serve Him? I would speak in a Christian perspective, since we acknowledge Jesus as our personal saviour and He as our Lord. We have the responsibility to do our duty as good witnesses...
There is nothing uncommon that people take pride in many things such as owning a big house, a fancy car, and personal wealth, success in business, attractive appearance or even to show off a beautiful dress. On a bigger scale, some bigger and richer nations show off...
Not too long ago, I received a video from a friend about a retired ballerina at a very advanced age with dementia. A journalist came to visit her and played swan lake for her. Even though she was wheelchair bound, she played the dance with her hands with music...
In the example of William of Orange, the Dutch monarch, intentionally flooded much of his nation’s land in order to drive out the invading Spaniards. Such tactics were self-destructive so that no sides would win any benefits. People called it “Desperate times call for...