The Israelites struggled with giving God their damaged goods too. When He spoke through the prophet Malachi, He rebuked the Israelites for sacrificing the defects and blemish. (Malachi 1:6–8) “A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a...
Isaiah prophesies that the bitter drink of desolation, ruin, and the curse upon the earth will give way to the sweet hope of a new heaven and new earth. The moon will be dismayed, the sun ashamed; for the Lord Almighty will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and...
When people are close to the end of their lives, as Christians they have the hope that one day they’ll be reunited with their loved ones. We have that hope too because we believe God is with us, He knows and loves us. When we breathe the first breath, God is there...
Many of us face some sort of battle, some are not serious and some are more imminent and critical. Still we have to confront them and we seem helpless and fighting with limited energy is not easy. (1 Chronicles 16) recounts a key moment in Israel’s history when...
Martin Rinkart served as a clergyman in Saxony, Germany in the seventeenth century. For more than thirty years during times of war and plague, which is very similar to our pandemic Covid-19 today. One year he conducted more than 4,000 funerals, including his wife’s,...
In some religions, their believers consider their God is too far away. If the believers commit some offences or sins, they have to fast for some time and donate some money to the temple or church, so that their sins or offences would be reduced or cleaned. They don’t...