In the river of human history, people constantly fight for power for the sake of survival. Such a trait of acting does not change over time and this leads to more warfares and hegemony of world power. And we continue to see the constant fight for dominance and...
From time to time, we encounter verses in scripture regarding humility and love to our enemies. I never realize that we can do it similarly to temptation as well. We know there are good and bad temptations. Obviously, we want to choose good temptation or good...
No one really sees God before. But disciple Philip once asked Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father” (John 14:8). And Jesus replied him: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (v. 9). Unlike the physical resemblances between my father and me, what Jesus says here is...
When we reflecting all the adversities and hardships happened in the past, we may feel surprised that God had bestowed us all the fortitude and power to conquer those terrible times. In Jesus ages, God instructed His people to gather each year for the Festival of...
It is easier to say than done and that would be to forgive. That is a big thing to learn and perhaps it might take a long time to learn. We all know forgiving is better than grudges. Grudges can hurt our body and mind. Eventually, it would devour our whole being....