I can easily lose direction when I visit some area not often frequented in the night time. When I drove around two streets and still could not figure out the place I wanted to go, I began to panic. Hopefully I could see some house down at the corner still lit up so I...
My son just called me about a shooting incident in a shopping mall one day after we shopped together. He said we were so lucky that we could avoid the scary situation. I said God oversees us from time to time like He is sitting next to us . And I say we are in...
I attend the Men’s Fellowship meeting every Wednesday morning at 7 am for a few years now. The reason I joined the meeting dated back about almost four years ago. One evening my wife drove home after visiting a friend. She came to a traffic light and then she suddenly...
There is always someone who is unfortunate having hurt by an accident or being contracted by an illness. I feel very fortunate being healthy and without financial burden especially during this pandemic time. Many lost their jobs and business people filed for...
It is a very difficult task to spare or forgive someone who offended us especially in the family. Because we see each other so often in family gatherings or even living under the same roof. I personally find it hard to do. But through the blood of Jesus, He cleans...