When we are astray from God, we will feel lost and are ashamed and longed to be home. But also we will be disciplined and punished by Him as well. Due to their rebellion against God, the Israelites were exiles. They woke each morning yearning to return, but they had...
When people are in deep trouble for committing crimes or serious sins, even though they are not bound by laws, their conscience will catch up with what they did in the inglorious past for their wrong doings. They feel miserable and full of guilt but the only way is to...
I would admire people getting success in any endeavour of their dream. Considering the great effort and hard work that has been put in. So I hardly feel jealous of other’s success. However, it is a great virtue we can cheer or share in their excitement when seeing...
There are many times we forget things – the passage of time, growing older, or just being too busy. We forget passwords, names of people, where we parked our car or where we put our glasses. People forget. So we often need reminders, memos to help us remember...
As ordinary people we are, our mood tends to escalate when we attain some success. On the opposite side, we would feel frustrated and it seems normal for this. But the bible tells us we should not be exalted if we can bring people to Christ or draw the people to...