Millions of people were killed during two world wars. While not on the same scale or magnitude, devastation can also occur in our personal lives. Our family, workplace, church, or neighborhood can also be hovered over by the dark shadows of conflict. This is one of...
Hendrik A. Lorentz, a famous scientist, promoted himself in the work of reconciliation besides his scientific career. Working for reconciliation should also be the goal of everyone in the church as well. It is true that some conflict is inevitable. Yet we must do our...
There is no one willingly to lay down his life to save the lives for our sins. That sacrificial love is so great that only Jesus can do it and this is His mission coming to earth. Because of His great love for us so you and I can live not only in this life but for all...
Is it so common that we always criticize others not as good as ourselves? Is it funny that often when we find a scoring system that grades us well, we use it to lift ourselves up and put others down. It seems to be an innate human tendency to cling to self-made...
I took a walk this afternoon and I dressed according to the weather. I usually wear so many layers based on the temperature of the day and was about right most of the time. But today was so windy, for which I ignored forcing me to take half of the walking trip. I felt...