I remembered my sister told me a story of a neighbour’s child when I was young. He was a boy about my age. What the difference this boy could do what he wanted, even though we believed it was not good as a kid. I was not perfect, but at least I went to school as my...
When we were young as kids, we usually expected gifts or something similar. As long as I got something, I was happy, I even saved the gift wrap for another chance to use it. Perhaps things were not easy to come by in those days. Two days ago my daughter called me on...
We are always encouraged to help others in their inadequacy from the abundance of our own possessions. Serving helps us to be more like Jesus as we begin to love and see people as He does. One of the ways we serve God is by serving those in need. (1 John 3:16-18)...
Many of us would pray for our family and loved ones for their salvation. But somehow we give up due to our laziness, despair and loss of sight of our goals. As King David’s life faded away, he made preparations for his son Solomon to take over as the next king of...
In a letter to a friend years after Phillips Brooks wrote the hymn, he sadly described the result of this relationship in his own life: “I cannot tell you how personal this grows to me. He is here. He knows me and I know Him. There is no figure of speech. It is the...