One day my wife called when I was on my way home after a dentist appointment. “Don’t take the expressway, a serious accident on the west bound lane ahead of your route.” So I took an exit to the collector lane and drove on the city road instead. Sometimes it is...
As believers in Jesus, we too receive great compassion. When we are in trouble, we can talk to Him without barrier. Discharge our burden and confess our pain to Him. He takes them all. Our Savior humbled Himself to live among us, identifying with us. On our behalf,...
Most of us like music. Yet not many people know the power of music. It can elevate us from a low mood to new escalation of enthusiasm. Even I learned from scientists to illustrate that music can heal people from depression, of course it depends how severe is the case....
I read about a lot of kids who were abused or ill-treated by close family members or even parents. Many of these kids came from broken families or parents who were drug addicts or alcoholics. They were never brought up properly, never experienced love, and were...
I do agree with our vision – what we see literally line of sight can affect our spiritual vision or our mood. For example we feel dull and gloomy in a cloudy day, conversely in a bright sunny day we feel much happier and energetic. Then should we feel bored and...