4. 神賞罰分明。
詩篇作者知道我們住在這個世界上會遇到很多不公平,不公義的事,但是我們要堅信神扶持義人,惡人必被剪除。 我們要做的就是凡事仰望神,信靠神,跟隨神的帶領,有時我們需要走出我們的舒適地帶去面對新的挑战,但一定要相信神是信實的神,也是全能的神,祂必看顾保守。
“你當倚靠耶和華而行善,住在地上,以他的信實為糧;又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。”– 詩篇37:3-4
願我住在地上卻不屬於這個世界。時時靠主, 心中以耶和華為樂,確信祂的信實,行祂的路,作祂的工,活出祂的愛。
这段時間,世界上的每個華人都被洶湧而來的疫情牽動着神經,甚至於夜不能寢。詩篇37;3-4 告訴我們,當依靠耶和華而行善,以神的信實為糧。當我們以神為樂時,祂就會赐予我們心裏所祈盼的。
Dwelling in the Land
The story of Marcos and Cecilia was encouraging and fascinating. But should we only do good when we have the insight or direction from God or the Holy Spirit? There are many samples we heard from missionary similar to Marcos and Cecilia and they pursue their dream. However, there may not be always the case for an ordinary Christian like us. I would rather do our part the best we can and serve Our Lord. In many occasions, we Christians face difficulty as well, so we trust in the Lord and do good. Then we shall live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give us our heart’s desires.
I still remember a saying from a book many years ago “Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit” to encourage me to pursue my desire or passion. The point is never to give up. What is your passion or desire?