One summer day in 1972, a man drove on a highway and he saw a small luggage bag lying on
the side of the road. He stopped his car and was suspicious why someone would leave a bag on the side of the highway. He opened the bag and was surprised to see bundles of cash money inside. He counted them as about $100,000. Without further delay he delivered the bag of money to the police. Later he found out from the newspaper that the money that he picked up belonged to a bank, where it was robbed earlier that morning. But how did the money end up on the highway the police did not say. This man was unemployed and he could have taken the money without anyone knowing it. But he did it the right way. Later he was offered a job from that bank and was awarded $1000 for his honesty. It was a huge amount of money in those days.
The incident is no difference than those of Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned. After they’d been stripped, beaten, and thrown into prison, an earthquake struck that loosed their chains and shook the prison doors off their hinges. When the jailer awoke, he naturally assumed the prisoners had fled, so he was about to take his own life. When Paul shouted, “We are all here!” The jailer was so moved by their actions that he became curious about the God they worshiped, ultimately coming to believe in Him too.
The way we treat things reveal what we believe and value. When we choose to do good instead of harm, our actions might just prompt them to wonder about the God we know and love.