我相信哈拉蘭.波波夫之所以在苦難中堅忍為主作見證, 乃因爲他遵照並實行主在太5: 3-9 的教導:虛心、哀慟、溫柔、飢渴慕義、憐恤人、清心、使人和睦。以致在苦難逼迫中靠主站立得穩。
There are many experienced suffering throughout Christian history. One of them was Haralan Popov, he was a Protestant minister who spent thirteen years in Bulgarian communist prisons on charges of treason. He not only survived his harsh treatment but also led fellow prisoners to Jesus. In 1961, he was released and continued to share his faith until, one year later, he joined his family in Sweden. Like countless believers in Jesus throughout the ages, Popov was persecuted because of his faith. Popov could endure suffering because he felt the presence of God was in him. When we walk with God, no matter under any circumstances, we too can experience His peace for He is with us. Matthew 5:10-11 (NIV). Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.