“和撒那!和撒那!” 我仿佛看到了耶路撒冷的居民在路旁搖著棕樹葉歡迎耶穌的情景。主耶穌是萬王之王,也是我們的贖罪祭。祂是神,卻成了人的樣式來到世間,爲了贖我們的罪而心甘情願地被釘在十字架上。
From time to time we saw some people were labelled as “ dump or coward”. The reason was these people were being labelled as some group or category. People judged them superficially but not in-depth. Such as Jesus was judged as a prophet but not as a leader. Obviously, he did not look like a king or even God. That was the judgement from the secular world point of view. In the secular world, a king should be born from the palace. Jesus was greatly misunderstood. An earthly king would save them from Rome, but Jesus was much more. He was King of Kings and our sacrifice – God in the flesh, willingly embracing the cross to save us from our sins—a purpose prophesied centuries earlier.
感謝神在基督耶穌裡的救贖,讓我的生命不但蒙拯救,也可以得著並經歷主復活的大能, 在祂裡面因信而擁有活潑的盼望來面對我的每一天。感謝讚美主!