大衛在曠野困境其中確認耶和華是他的神。他在亁旱疲乏無水之地渴向神。期待看見神的能力。因神的慈愛比生命更好。他在夜間思想神,心靈就得飽足。他決意還活著的時候, 要頌讚神。
哥林多前書10:13 說:“你們所遇見的試探,無非是人所能受的,神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的;在受試探的時候,總要給你們開一條出路,叫你們能忍受得住。”感謝主,並求主保守我的信仰,把一切困難交給主,定晴在主的應許上。
I believe this is human nature if something happened not according to our wish or liking, then we complain about why this happened to me since I didn’t do anything wrong. And I think this is absolutely legitimate and valid. Yesterday I came to the usual place to pick up my son from work. When I was about to open the door, a sudden gust of wind pushed the door and hit the door of the car right next to me. It was not just slammed the next car. My door was trapped between the gap of two doors. I got stuck. I could not close the door. I got out without turning the ignition key off. I tried to pull the door back to my car but it didn’t succeed. I went back to the car and turned the car off. The car jerked a little forward and the door got away from the gap. I was so relief that I was free. I wondered why this happened to me. Perhaps at that moment, I should ask God to help or cooled me down to see what could be done. Yet I complained and was pleased that I got away without involving with compensation. When I was in panic situation, I complained or even swore. Should I praise the Lord even in a difficult condition and ask God to grant me wisdom and calmness to solve the problem. I ask God to help me to learn from David even in adverse position, praise Him because I know He loves me.