我們都可能好像馬太福音 19:16-30所描述的少年官一樣, 遵守聖經的律例的字句而沒有將聖經的實意活出來。他來到耶穌面前是想知道如何才能得永生, 可是, 他不願意將自己生命中最重要的放下來跟從主。 所以他憂憂愁愁地離開。我們也一樣, 若不是甘心放下生命中攔阻我們跟隨主的事物或人, 我們就不能有喜樂的心跟隨主。 這是對我每天的提醒:警醒反省,主為我生命中的優先是理所當然的,因為主已經為我獻上了自己。
求主每日提醒我,給我恩典和決心,讓耶穌時時居我生命寶座上。若我遍行己路時,求主讓我停步, 再次回轉:靠主實行「以主為首」的生活。過一個與主沒有隔閡的生活。
Priorities in Balance is Your Best Investment
According to Matthew 19:16–30, the main point is to put God first before everything including family, personal wealth, job and worldly things that one desires. It is a matter of priority, many understand that eternal life is more important than anything else. It is a big and difficult decision for someone to make if he has a rare opportunity for advancement in his career and this is the one in a lifetime. May God give him the wisdom to make the right choice. But also we know that worldly possessions are not the only thing that we live for.
1 John 2:15 – “ 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”