婦女們忍痛站立在耶穌十字架的腳前,顯出她們對主的愛。神給我的提醒,要每日思念主的受難,而不是單單在受難節時,而是每一天被主的愛所感動。另外,要更多為受逼迫的教會和信徒禱告。 讓他們可以堅定站立。 在困境中為主作見證。
I remembered some time ago, A visiting missionary came back from the Middle East area spoke to us. She worked as an English teacher during the day and started her second job as a bible teacher at night. A few of local women gathered together in her home two to three times a week. On Sunday they would hold for Sunday worship. For what they did was pretty dangerous since it was forbidden to get together especially teaching of Bible was forbidden in this country. If this was exposed or reported by the neighbour, the leader of the gathering would be persecuted or put to jail. In a more severe case the personnel could be put to death. However, the missionary was willing to put their life at risk. This was the potential danger they were willing to take. When we are in a comfortable environment, are we willing to stand firm for Jesus? We might not have to face as grave as death, but we may endure some kind of suffering or hardship for His cause. May God help us to stand firm with Him in the course of the trial.