門徒剛剛目睹耶穌用五餅二魚餵飽5000人的神蹟。可是, 在當前他們所經歷的風暴時, 他們不但害怕,當耶穌來救他們時,他們以為耶穌是鬼怪。耶穌平靜風浪時他們都很十分驚奇。因為他們不明白分餅的事,心裡還是愚頑。
馬可福音6:45-56節記載的耶穌履海事蹟和馬太福音14:29-31的記載基本相同。這裡反映門徒們小信的心態。馬太福音說得更明瞭,耶穌說:“你來吧。彼得就從船上下去,在水面上走,要到耶穌那裡去。只因見風甚大,就害怕。將要沉下去,便喊著說,主阿,救我。耶穌趕緊伸手拉住他,說,你這小信的人哪,為什麼疑惑呢?”由於加利利履海事蹟就發生在五餅二魚神蹟之後,可見當時的門徒可能還不如我們,會懷疑耶穌是鬼怪。現在,全世界面臨新冠病毒大瘟疫期間,我們千萬不要懷疑神的大能與計劃。相信神容許這大疫情氾濫是對人類悖逆的懲罰。此外,可能還有更深層的用意。因為,“耶和華說:‘我的意念非同你們的意念,我的道路非同你們的道路。 天怎樣高過地,照樣,我的道路高過你們的道路,我的意念高過你們的意念。’”(賽55:8)
None of Jesus disciples really understand the real power in Him. Not until the disciples were on the boat with him during a severe storm. And they saw Him reprimand the wind and the sea. Then, they pondered what kind of person was that even the sea and wind would obey his command. He had to be a powerful God, a real God. They might even underestimate his power and ability. Another supernatural power or miracle that he performed was that he fed five thousand people with five fish and two loaves. Upon seeing such great power, the disciples were completely amazed even as they hardly comprehend this experience of Christ’s power. When we experience Jesus and His power over the storms of our lives, we gain a more complete picture of who He is. And we will be amazed.