保羅說我們是與惡魔爭戰。必須靠神的大能大力才能勝過。 感謝神賜給我們祂自己的全副軍裝。穿戴這軍裝就能抵擋仇敵並在牠面前站立得住:
It is important that young children get to know God early in their lives because they will go to pray whatever they feel need to do so. They learn by assimilation in what their parents are doing. All this reaction is so spontaneous without thinking. We, as Christians would sometimes go for an alternative route to seek help in solving problems. Many times pastors or senior pastoral stuff always emphasize the importance of praying. It will help us to shift away from the mental burden and get all the strength that we need to face or to react to the situation with calmness and wisdom simply through praying. With additional of strong trust and dependence, the panic and worry will be gone very soon. How often do we have strong trust and obey, it all depends on our relationship with our heavenly father.