God works, or is at work, in our lives. God is at work for the good of his people. God works for our good in all things. God works in all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, not all people without exception.
在這疫情的期間,我們也可能會緊張、擔憂、憂愁、甚至恐慌。可是,神是愛我們的天父, 我們可以以信心過每一天的生活,在試煉中信心被精煉,更顯得寶貴,更多的經歷神並更深愛祂,更多思念天上的事,再次被提醒,這世界非我家。
It is absolutely unbelievable that a person on death row and still have joy. Anthony Ray Hinton was an example. He declared: “After my death, I’m going to heaven. Where are those, who wrongfully accused me or intentionally put me to death row going?” This is unwavering faith that liberated him from misery and hatred. May each one of us have the same kind of faith and joy when we face injustice or wrongful accusation. When we have this faith we shall have an unconquerable power to face the unforeseeable future. It all ties with a strong belief in God ‘s words.
彼前1:3-9 这幾段經文的教導,在百般的試煉中暫時忧愁,叫我們的信心更显宝貴,我相信在苦難中經歷上帝的喜樂,是上帝給我們生命裡上信心的功課,没有人可以代替其它人上的課,但我們所信的神是一位又真又活的神,以致神的兒女們是可以在苦難中仍有喜樂與盼望。