很理解門徒心中的恐懼感, 因為他們的領袖剛被殺,他們面對不知的將來恐慌。
復活的主向他們顯現並應許聖靈給他們, 賜給他們使命. 差遣他們將赦罪的福音傳開。 無論我們的新季節是什麼,在我是即將面對的「退休」新季節, 有耶穌同在, 就有平安。 有聖靈同在, 仍然是蒙差遣將基督赦罪之道傳開的新季節。
New seasons with Jesus
When disciples of Jesus were so frightened behind locked doors for the fear of the Jewish leaders went after them. This is very similar for us when we embark on a new job, we don’t know the people, the location of the dining area and the washroom, just in case we need to go. We want to perform good and are worry about embarrassment.
At that moment, I would pray quietly in my seat and hope that the fear would be gone. In many cases, we are so worried if I stay on my old job then there would not have such fear, which is resembling the same feeling of the disciples. But when we get into a new stage or season, we cannot predict what is going to happen. If I want to take on a new change or challenge, naturally I have to face uncertainty. I know I can overcome my fear inside my bosom if I put my trust in Him, he will carry me through every step of the way. Because He can do all things while we cannot.