記得好多年前在Fuller神學院修一科“屬靈操練”課程。Dallas Willard在一所天主教的修道院教導來上課的教牧同工。有一天的課程是整天靜默,透過四圍美麗的環境與主默契。我那天特別留意在修道院院子裏不同品種的花朵。心中被主的智慧,和祂創造的精細和美麗所感動。那天,主在我心中細語,肯定祂對我不改變的厚愛。這些花朵都蒙主細心的裝飾和照顧,何況我們這些按祂形象和樣式所造的人。
盡管達爾文創建進化論已經160年,沃森和克里克发现了DNA双螺旋的結構已經60 幾年,但是無法改變神創造世界的事實。以進化論來説,早在三千多年前寫成的聖經創世紀就寫明與進化論相同的創造順序:從植物,到動物,從水生生物到哺乳類,最後造人的次序。我们今天面對大自然就是面對上帝。我喜歡自然,每期PBS播放的“Nature”,我必看。也收集各種神創造的生物,從植物、花卉,到動物,的圖片及視頻。我喜歡在我住處隔壁的公園,静默遐想,倒在公園長椅仰視天際,思索神的偉大創造。耶和华神是唯一宣稱世界被祂創造的神。祂創造真善美。例如,花是美的,人的青春期也是美的。為什么?因為耶和華说說要生養眾多。在這裡,也只有在神的話語中,我們可以回答美學的基本問題。
不可否認,電子技術佔據了我們生活的大部分,人與人的交往也從直接的面对面變成虛拟的網络形式,”翻開聖經“ 也演化成“打開手機” 的模式。
Face to Face
The is a very good and sensible observation that technology really changes my life dramatically. We can see from restaurants to family dinners, social gatherings and subway, people constantly engage in their cell phone all the time. Are we really that busy and cannot get away from emails, WhatsApp and messages. It is a kind of modern sickness or addiction according to some psychologists.
We are actually so isolated and ignored to the people around us even we are physically in the same spot. The sense of togetherness is no more. People only mind their own things and do not see what is around them. How can we encounter God face to face or be aware of God’s presence and His beautiful creations like the blue sky, white clouds, flowers, mountains and fragrance of fresh grass? Only when we come back to Him then we will sense His faithfulness and His presence.
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.