我是1995年受洗歸主的。這是我靈命改變的第一台階。一個基督徒還需要在歸主之後,用心讀聖經、用心聽道,並且活出師傅主耶穌的樣式,見證主的榮耀。這就進入基督徒靈命成長的三個階段:嬰幼兒階段、青少年階段、成年人階段。感謝主,我自信已進入青少年階段,擺脫幼兒階段的信仰搖擺期。但是,這個青少年階段很長。我還常常無法擺脫舊我, 還常常表現以我為中心、常常會灰心、氣馁、憤怒,過後自己又會禱告、饒恕、認錯。過一段。又會重複上述過程。這都是我在學習我們的老師主耶穌基督方面出現的反反复复。求主原諒我。
The word apprentice is no stranger to me at all. During my childhood days, there was a machine shop in my neighbourhood. I always saw some young people or perhaps 15 or 16 years old, they always worked on some kind of machine or auto parts, doing mostly dirty labour work. And most of them coming from lower-income families as parents could not afford them formal education. Even in my younger days, I never want to work as an apprentice. It associates with hard work and poor.
But as God’s followers, it was a total opposite to our familiar world. We learn to submit, yield, serve and obey. In the secular world, these characteristics are regarded as a coward or a feeble and incompetent personality. It is difficult to learn to be weak, yielding and submissive until one is born with it. Being an apprentice, we should learn everything from his way of living, doing and thinking from our Master, Jesus Christ. Maybe I am not a good learner, but I pray Him to give me the wisdom and patience to model him.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
感謝主呼召我成為祂其中的一位學徒。 在這跟從主的道路上, 我與他人一樣, 有時學得很順暢, 但有時也被自我所影響而停滯不前。 感謝主的忍耐和寬容, 時時的教導和勉勵. 學習天國的道理確實是要注目在主的身上, 聆聽祂的話語、留意祂所做的, 以基督的心為心, 跟著祂的腳蹤行,成為主忠心的門徒。靠我自己是不能, 願我時時靠主,緊緊跟隨祂。 萬王之王的學徒, 這是極大的榮幸和祝福。